Our Mission To provide a loving community devoted to rebuilding shattered lives that empowers women to fulfill their God-given purpose.
Many of us, over our lifetime, experience trauma, or tragedies, or challenges that can leave “cracks” in our lives. Over time, these cracks create pressure and pain, and we look for ways to deal with it . . . many times this can lead to unhealthy options that result in shattered lives. Hoving Home is committed to helping women heal and rebuild their shattered lives!
If you need help, please call Emily Raitt, our Admissions Coordinator, at (845) 274-3812
We have been praying for you and can’t wait to see how God will work in your life!
Women Impacted
Programs across the country
Success Rate
Years of Ministry
How Salisha Got Help!
Salisha’s journey to the United States is something no child should ever have to endure. “I was trafficked here when I was five years old from Trinidad and Tobago with my little brother,” Salisha shares. “My adopted dad did his best but he lacked compassion,” Salisha remembers. “I felt abandoned and rejected in many ways.” When Salisha was seventeen, she found out she was in the country illegally. She had to change her name, and […]
“…I’ve watched this effective ministry grow…and it has my 100% support.” —Billy Graham
“There is a beautiful spirit to this place. I love what the Hoving Home is doing.” —Joel Smallbone, For King and Country
“I have seen firsthand how God is working in the lives of the ladies at Hoving Home. This ministry is the real deal!” —Pastor Randall Cunningham, Former NFL Quarterback
Check out our new video!
"When my drug habit increased, I started prostituting and doing anything I could to get high. My future plans are to continue to depend on God and be the godly mother I was always created to be."
"A weekend of curiosity cost me 10-11 years of my life. I asked for forgiveness, from my kids also... and they really did forgive me! And we had a good relationship after that."
“I didn't know who I was. Through the love I experienced at Hoving Home, along with a lot of hard work, I finally know who I am. I'm kind. I'm thoughtful. I love to help people. I'm finally free to be me."