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Las Vegas, NV

Shawna’s feelings of emptiness and fear started early in life.

When her dad abandoned the family, Shawna was just a little girl. Even though mom was home, Shawna vividly remembers her mother battling substance abuse, never able to provide a stable presence for her daughter.

As Shawna grew up, she searched for love and acceptance everywhere she could! She tried relationships, drugs, and alcohol. They only ended in heartbreak and dangerous behavior.

I became like a piece of property to the men in my life.-Shawna

Shawna tried learning more about faith and becoming a mom. But the peace and security of Jesus eluded her. From abusive relationships to entanglement in a biker gang and stalking, Shawna never felt safe.

Her plunge into despair and drug use only got worse. And she was taking her precious children with her.

Shawna’s drug abuse put her in and out of the hospital and made home life chaotic. “My daughter told me she would come check on me every morning, not to make sure I was up, but to make sure I wasn’t dead.”

One day, Shawna experienced dangerous convulsions in front of her daughter, who held her head steady from banging into the ground. Shawna knew she needed help.

Courageously, Shawna left her children in her mother’s care and traveled many states to find refuge. God brought her true restoration at Hoving Home.

I felt peace when I walked through Hoving Home’s doors!-Shawna

When Shawna heard the ladies at Hoving Home utter, “Welcome home,” she finally believed she was safe. She also finally had time to learn how to live a life of faith instead of mere survival.

“I finally had time to sit with the Lord and allow Him to heal the parts of me that were too shameful to expose,” Shawna shares.

At Hoving Home, Shawna read Scripture, worshipped God, and prayed for help and healing. God answered in miraculous ways. The Holy Spirit gave Shawna power to forgive the men who brought trauma and hardship into her life. She also learned to forgive herself.

Shawna has been clean for over two years, and she is reunited with her five children. She bought her own home and is preparing to work with an organization that serves women in crisis.

God is restoring the time the enemy stole.-Shawna

Shawna is thankful for her new life and now understands the value of being a child of God! She has learned how to make decisions by following God’s Word instead of her emotions. “I’m able to surrender more and more to Him,” she shares. “I am grateful for every person who donates financially and pray for the ladies at Hoving Home. I received the healing I needed to be the mother I am today.”


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