John and Elsie Benton, lovingly known as Mom and Dad to the ladies, founded the New York Home in 1967. Under their leadership, the Hoving Home expanded to the West Coast in 1984, with the opening of a center in Pasadena, California. A third Home was opened in Las Vegas in 2006.
For more than 50 years the Benton’s have tirelessly spent their life reaching out to prostitutes and drug addicts. Their heart has been to extend to each desperate young woman an invitation to “come home” to a place of hope and healing. It is an invitation that has led to dramatically changed lives and hope-filled futures for countless women.
Elsie is mother, friend and mentor to the many ladies that walk through the doors — giving each lady that special love and attention she needs. Her desire is to establish a family atmosphere in which the ladies can thrive.
John is author of 45 books and numerous magazine articles. Before becoming involved with Teen Challenge and the Hoving Home, John and Elsie pastored a church in Washington State, served as directors of Youth for Christ and served as missionaries to Japan. They have three grown children, nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
John and Elsie make their home in Pasadena, California.
Get to Know John & Elsie
What is your favorite scripture?
Elsie: Romans 8:38-30
John: John 3:16
What book is on your nightstand?
John and Elsie: Jesus Calling and Bible
What is one of your favorite memories at WHH?
John: Having Board Meetings at Tiffany’s
Elsie: Helping the first lady named Bobbie
What is your favorite food?
John: KFC
Elsie: French Food
What makes you laugh?
John and Elsie: funny jokes