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Salisha Wobrock

Facilities Coordinator NY
Facilities Coordinator NYNew York Leadership

Hello my name is Salisha,
God has been working all things out and has been restoring my life. Today I have hope in Him, a purpose, my identity was sealed when He took all my pain and sin upon the cross. By His stripes I am healed and forgiven. I have true freedom today. I am not a victim but a daughter of the Most High. His promise of never leaving me or forsaking me rings true to my heart. Today I am a child of God. I am chosen and set apart. I may not be a citizen here today, but I know I am a citizen of heaven and I will rejoice in it! He has created me for such a time as this. He continues to pick up the shattered broken pieces shaping and mold me to what He created me to originally be. The Hoving Home had shown me love, mercy and an abundance of grace. The Hoving Home imitates how we should walk and lead like Jesus. After my completion of the one year residential women’s program, I was accepted into The Leadership Academy in Garrison NY. There I was able to mature in my God given gifts and talents. I was shown a deeper understanding of Gods word. I was taught how to walk with compassion, humility, and kindness. Here is where grew in stewardship as I learned how to serve in local communities and share the love of Christ.
What is your favorite scripture?
Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
What book is on my nightstand?
My cross reference scripture journal
What is one of your favorite memories at Hoving Home?
My favorite memory at the home was when Pastor  Tim asked me to assist in a baptism. It was a desire of my heart, which I hadn’t shared with anyone.